casi le atino we jhahj ke pedo ke me dices de la carrera ya que vas de salida? todavia no escojo si irme a lo de biodispositivos o maquinas inteligentes, me dicen que en maquinas inteligentes no tiran los inges :s
Nope because if I told her she'd say no, and she needs something to do besides work, creep my facebook, and go out to dinner with her friends like once a week.
deletedalmost 14 years
My friend at college bought her from a petstore and was going to giver her to a shelter so I took her and my mom has a nice surprise when I come home next week... it really? I guess it depends on how one looks at it..that one day can be in about..hmm...forever and a day? You probably come on here more than me and your the one who was supposed to be quitting =0..but "until we meet again" laaattaa!