
If I can't be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst.
Ghost House

A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.




almost 9 years
this is one of my favorite songs too! How long have u played?
Hmmm... I've played piano for longer than I can remember. Hell, I might have come out with a tiny keyboard in hand. And yeah, Prelude in C is by far my favorite Bach piece.
almost 9 years
Would you rather have one fam who would love you the best eternally in their life or a hundred fams who wouldn't consider you the best but still treat you fairly? ^-^
Well, if you're the one fam, how can I take anything but that one?
almost 9 years
Would you rather bathe in melted cheese for a month or eat nothing but melted cheese for a month?
My diet is like 70% cheese as is, so that's not too hard. I'LL EAT NOTHING BUT!
almost 9 years
Well with games it's 3-1 but hey at least you're winning at clicking the call button, 2-0. How does it feel? *evil laugh
I kicked your sweet as s in Boggle, and don't you forget it. I think me accidentally clicking the call button means I'm more committed.
anonymousalmost 9 years
I'm sleeping with infinitymidnight behind ur back
That's kind of hard considering I'm sleeping with her behind my own back as well.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

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