
Yeah, I'm still here.
in love with 

"If at first you don't succeed, cheat." - Mayhem.

"The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges" - KillerQueen

Joined Epicmafia - 6.18.10 (Goodbar)

R.I.P. Wendys, RNB, MonBon, Zidd, and of course, my partner in crime, Bondage <3




about 11 years
are you a duck
about 11 years
So If you answer a question with a question are you answering the question or questioning the questioner?
You're REPLYING to the question with ANOTHER question. Duh.
anonymousabout 11 years
when u coming back to siesta so we can chill @ the beach
Soon probably! We can make sandcastles and stuff if you want.
about 11 years
piece of shit
why thank u
about 11 years
I'm so proud of you this round bby
thanks bby


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Scumhunter
10 / 15Knight Devout
10 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
9 / 20He's Batman
over 13 years
cool story matt, i should start keeping track of my 5/5s just like you
over 13 years
how do you fall behind on day one...
over 13 years
>doesnt see the jk lol above it /// lol matt obviously i would never trophy run, it would cause way too much problems when i win. wheres your trophy matt? youve been playing much longer than me, you should have one by now :)
over 13 years
over 13 years
+k (:
deletedover 13 years
Matt I can't fucking believe you deleted your setup, god damn hoe.
over 13 years
hey matt sweetheart
over 13 years
i'm sosososososos sorry for afking... :(
deletedover 13 years
email didn't post
deletedover 13 years
Also, if you want any input/help balancing the 20 man ranked setup, I'd be willing to help, seeing as I've played an ungodly amount of 20 man games with /v/
deletedover 13 years
Though I still think karmawhoring is stupid, you have my undying respect and gratitude for 20 man ranked.

+K returned
over 13 years
returned +k
deletedover 13 years
+k! please return
over 13 years
happy new yard you have a lot of point
deletedover 13 years
pick one setup for me =P
deletedover 13 years
nahhhhhhhh jk :P
over 13 years
Matt tell lucid im the nicest person ever
deletedover 13 years
u should make my main mod matty
deletedover 13 years
can i have karma? and i can i join your family
deletedover 13 years
Lol I'll let you know