
Yeah, I'm still here.
in love with 

"If at first you don't succeed, cheat." - Mayhem.

"The very first things a perfect mod would do is reset matt's karma, delete devilesk's profile page and permanently mute thodges" - KillerQueen

Joined Epicmafia - 6.18.10 (Goodbar)

R.I.P. Wendys, RNB, MonBon, Zidd, and of course, my partner in crime, Bondage <3




over 11 years
are you a duck
over 11 years
So If you answer a question with a question are you answering the question or questioning the questioner?
You're REPLYING to the question with ANOTHER question. Duh.
anonymousover 11 years
when u coming back to siesta so we can chill @ the beach
Soon probably! We can make sandcastles and stuff if you want.
over 11 years
piece of shit
why thank u
over 11 years
I'm so proud of you this round bby
thanks bby


1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
I have yyou on my other account too :D
about 14 years
+k karma
deletedover 14 years
ohai matt
over 14 years
dam prolly bad becuz since i posted on your wall i got -2k for nothing!
over 14 years
I was stalking your profile until I got to the "ROBOTS IN DISGUISE" part. Then I stopped reading from laughing too hard.
deletedover 14 years
Matt. As much as I hate it, I'm coming to you for help. I realized with the fail of the article the only way left to reach the community is modship. I have the time, the drive, and the fairmindedness. I know i sometimes rage, but you're my karmawhoring half. I need your support. . I'm rallying everyone, It must happen1
deletedover 14 years
Returning +k~
deletedover 14 years
+k fo you
over 14 years
+K for you! please return
over 14 years
Positive karma again :D thank you very much sir
deletedover 14 years
How could everyone say ur troll if u have 635 karma?!?!
over 14 years
i fantasize about our potential coitus sessions.
over 14 years
Stop calling me bitch, hoe!
over 14 years
over 14 years
Woot. Epic bomb. +k
Nice read of real cop.
over 14 years
I will return that karma when I have the ability to do so.
deletedover 14 years
wow thanks
deletedover 14 years
i would neg bubble if i could, trust me
deletedover 14 years
I negged bubble