Hmm.. I got your measures, and I just barely don't fit even when you extend fully. So we'll have to do some practice rounds before I get all the way in ;)
send me a detailed pm of how it would go down
deletedover 9 years
Alright Alright, Reasonable! How about Lovers with Benefits? No Marriage, No Ties! You can leave me for blister any time (Not that you would, because you know.. blister.)
Boy, do I love chicken strips. Sometimes, when I’m home alone, I’ll take some chicken strips fresh out of the oven and rub them in my scalp. It doesn’t do much for my hair health, but I like the way they feel running through my strands of hair. The flakey coating, smooth white meat, and warmth. Yum
deletedabout 10 years
ha, ha, lol you think its funny to neg my post ha, ha, lets see whos laughing after i neg all the posts on ur profile. ha, ha,