


deletedover 12 years
sorry on the loss riddler. I should have went on my initial fos of erica, but ib was just i dont even know during the last day, actually all day. but you do act like an egotistical prat when you're average at em, like most of us and it's extremely condescending and annoying. I don't know if you do so purposely but you should chill.
deletedover 12 years
http://www.epicmafia.com/game/927593/review You died n1. Clear wanted to kill the obvious town and I strong armed onto the scum. You can go ahead and nominate me for the kudos since i carried you to a win. <3
deletedover 12 years
I actually had you plussed from a previous game we've had.
deletedover 12 years
I didn't neg you, idiot. Reporting for OGI though.
over 12 years
My bones. Also, teach me to explain an fos.
over 12 years
That fucking ant just trolled the fuck out of me, I tried smushing it ._.
deletedover 12 years
you left before you answered my question, rude.
over 12 years
I negged the Anonymous Pony Deck to 9 and posted on your wall.
over 12 years
You are the most amazing partner a maf could ask for <3
over 12 years
Greetings from a fellow Rogues Gallery villain :o)
over 12 years
I was the first one to neg the pony deck
over 12 years
do a pokemon deck !
deletedover 12 years
You are the one that made that Batman deck. I FUCKING LOVE YOU.
over 12 years
Say what you want, kid. What's important is that you learn from your horrible crappy mistakes. AtE is not a scumtell, and you're no more town than I was. I hope you do feel like a piece of crap for losing that game. Btw, just because you're clear, doesn't mean your opinion is more right than another townsperson. And if it makes you feel better, i was voting with a clear. Christmasfun was clear, so stop throwing temper tantrums, and stop trying to have your way. You play like a 5 year old, please grow up.
over 12 years
I like your old avatar better D:
over 12 years
Plussed, nice haul.
over 12 years
+K for checking me out and my random fake claim that made you real cop :D
over 12 years
You mad bro?
over 12 years
+k for winging the guise after i fucked up