
in love with 
part of  family




anonymousover 6 years
golbolco you will die by my own hands
anonymousover 6 years
if i owned sushi would you trade sushi for ace oooo
maybe!! i'd have to think about it a lot more! i've been "ace" for so long now :o!
anonymousover 6 years
if you could be any other username what would you pick? even 1 letter name. ;)
"sushi" just because i really love sushi :P I thought "Osomatsu" was taken and was going to answer that (main chara from my favorite anime) but it wasn't taken, so now I have it! :O I hope youre doing well anon i was thinking abt you ^^
anonymousover 6 years
you're so sweet, secretly I hope you never quit
aww thank you for your kindness i hope youre doing well :)
anonymousover 6 years
are you an alt? will I be able to delete your name when you quit? (5 months later, still stalking this username)
this is my main account! my alts are Darling and pisces :-) Sorry!! Thanks for always talking to me though.. ^_^


3 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 25Explosion!
1 / 20He's Batman
1 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedabout 9 years
sounds like hell
deletedabout 9 years
who cares about maplestory lol
about 9 years
that song hit very close to home
about 9 years
are you coming onto me ace???
deletedabout 9 years
yes maplestory is vomit worthy
deletedabout 9 years
whos wonderfuI?????? never heard of them
about 9 years
homie im 450 pounds of built up teenage angst, you don't wanna fite this
deletedabout 9 years
u look like poop so when i look at poop im reminded of u
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
idk she just called you evil thats all i know homie
about 9 years
wow mist is sneak dissin and you dont even notice wow
deletedabout 9 years
1.5 years and im catching up to the 4 years veteran hood in visitors
deletedabout 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
yeah i didn't realize you had to be checked in "online" to get updates and it said "pending contact request" for everyone i added and i felt really unpopular ;-; but then I FIGURED IT OUT AND I WAS LIKE OH THANK GOODNESS!!!! : )
about 9 years
you got a mafia sticker is that because ur evil or something really weird acey
deletedabout 9 years
no lol
about 9 years
dw about it ive been sitting on a pile of tokens, figured why not~
deletedabout 9 years
helo cloppers
deletedabout 9 years
add me back on skype ace!