
in love with 
part of  family




over 5 years
Ace is a fuggin RAT!
Think this little dreidel has spun too fast for too long!!
over 5 years
How's it going?
busy but i love my current job w childcare thank u for asking i hope ur okay too buddy
anonymousover 5 years
Why did you have to become a weeb, Ace? Why do this with us?
i am just a peanut
anonymousalmost 6 years
lol fgt lol u suk bals olololololollololllol
gonna kill u kid
almost 6 years
ace disgrace
chao ur a little worm ?


3 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 25Explosion!
1 / 20He's Batman
1 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedover 9 years
lol. what a gay
deletedover 9 years
-___- *drops u into Gay Baby jail*
deletedover 9 years
*blushes like a newlywed bride* a-ace--san..
over 9 years
I'm share this quality website with you, acey egg daddey
over 9 years
over 9 years
Love you stevia daddey! xo
deletedover 9 years
im crying bc i realized that i heard this song a year ago just playing on the streets and i think it changed a lot of what i thought of myself =') i never found the name of it <3 <3 <3 i love u stay perfect
over 9 years here is funny vine 9/10 doctors would recommend
deletedover 9 years

found a pic of u
deletedover 9 years
Yes of course that's more than ok I'm honored!!!!Love you ❤
deletedover 9 years
i know im an alt but pls accept me ;v;
deletedover 9 years
u sux weeb:P

((on a side note, that song on your wall is kinda cool))
over 9 years
you can't even last a round buddy -_-
over 9 years
excuse you????
deletedover 9 years
Why do you hate me oh what did I do
deletedover 9 years
I love you my son. I'll always be here for you.