
バラ色の恋 ❤
married to 
part of  family

I have the most amazing, handsome boyfriend in the world c: <3

Pick out my positives:

Pick out my negatives:

Winner of the October 14th, 2014 Poke War! ❤

In case you're wondering, Jiyeon is my alt. ^‿^

My titles: Poro Queen, Swag Queen, Goddess of Luck, Priestess of Hammers, Bestower of Titles, Lady Omniglot

As the Goddess of Fortune (left), I rule over the world with Tashie, the Goddess of Misfortune (right).

^drawn by the fabulous Tashie

^Robin (feat. Chrom) and Ahri and Teemo drawn by Jamie ♥

I main Ahri on League c:

Memorable Achievements and games:

^A truly beautiful game with my favorite person c: ♥

^how cute c: ♥

lel modern romance: ♥

i... ;~; thank you to everyone who has given me either karma or kudos ;~;

^^oh baby B) <3




over 8 years
mooommmm <3
daughterrrrr <3
about 10 years
mo'pay ;o <3
marmess... ;o <3
about 10 years
shaaaaaaargh x) <3
marrrrmess x) <3
about 10 years
demagliooooooooooooo <3
about 10 years
r u rly a cat
yessssss :3


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
12 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
7 / 20He's Batman
4 / 20Do No Harm
4 / 25Explosion!
over 10 years
Nunaaa you always have amazing songs that make my kokoro go dojrigjdofndrkgndringiifndfmefjnrjfneui
over 10 years
lalalallalaa mamu
over 10 years
i cant believe i havent +K the 69-yrs old mamu omg LETS EARN SOME DOLLERS AND HOOK PEOPLE TOGETHER :>
deletedover 10 years
i luv u the sexiest is me
over 10 years
Well I love you so c: <3
deletedover 10 years
me is in love with callo luv luv luv
over 10 years
donut hole is also one of my favourite songs because it was my first ever avi on epicmafia + hachi is amazing
deletedover 10 years
we the 69 cutest c; <3
over 10 years
Suffering with 100+ ping to play with Mamu hmm? Worth it let's go PM me your name ^_^
over 10 years
Hmmm we could play yes but I doubt you are on my server. I can make an alt though. Which server are you EUW with Callow ?
over 10 years
plz lift the curse k thnx bye

Korean and Japanese songs in my music folder before and after meeting mamu

Before <9
over 10 years
+ bomber reporting for doodie
i gotchuuuu also omg i love your song voaerbgarfnrjfn
over 10 years
i really love your profile song +k
over 10 years
+k cuz hot
deletedover 10 years
lmao karamed because now everytime someone say something disturbing you be like "guo was worse"
over 10 years
crey more pls <3
over 10 years
our arguments are the dumbest ever, but ill win them all c; <3
over 10 years
+K in the hopes of good fortune~
over 10 years
+K for the awesomely skilled perfection, the stunning miracle that steals breath, the wonderworking goddess that is you B)