

I will hunt scum. The cross-examination does not end until an absolute guilty is found!

Psst: I know some German, use that to guise test me.

about 14 years
+K because im sorry for veg.
about 14 years
+k please return :3
about 14 years
+k for your epic bussing and hammering
about 14 years
Is there not an inactive person you can remove?
about 14 years
I would like to join the family.
about 14 years
Kicking to lock votes is legit. +K to counter you getting negged.
about 14 years
Oh hey~
about 14 years
I would have been in the running were it not for the many suicides out of wins and 3 key autowins that were thrown by trolls.
deletedabout 14 years
No I did not , I can't -K? Thanks for -K'ing me though.
about 14 years
+k'd for awesome lawyer team
about 14 years
+K ^_^ :) Return the favor please~ <3
deletedabout 14 years
upped ya karm
about 14 years
well played, +k
about 14 years
about 14 years
+2K Returnn My Love
deletedabout 14 years
I won't neg you because you were mafia. Fail town is expected from scum. can't believe town let you lead...
about 14 years
k 4 u please return!
about 14 years
Oh god you scared me
about 14 years
plus k....I hope I did you well by figuring out you were guised.
about 14 years
+2k btw ;)