
kids online say i have too much fun
married to 
part of  family




anonymousover 8 years
what's it like being super homosexual???
Pretty gay.
anonymousover 8 years
doesn't this remind you of jhube
anonymousover 8 years
why you spoil scream queens ;(
I didn't! We don't know the killer, we are just theorizing.
over 8 years
you are so adorable (ypundid a great me, almost too good ;) ) do you want to be my twin?
It would be an honor.
anonymousover 8 years
anna was banned for calling you fat? Are u even fat
ask my lawyer


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20He's Batman
deletedalmost 11 years
Get well soon <3 ;$
deletedalmost 11 years
I think the servers date went back lel so yeah you might get it tomorrow c: I dont think EM will survive another year lmao. Nd pls I m already famous.. on here. I'm like clark kent and niggerchu is my superman 10/10
deletedalmost 11 years
idk em thought it was my bday again yesterday top lel, it's gone now tho :'( N'aw, it only rained while I was sleepingy yday lol
almost 11 years
reamix + mcnappeh 4ever
deletedalmost 11 years
omg i got rainbow text again cccc:
deletedalmost 11 years
yes it was very fun, s'all clean now c: Omg it started thundering at like 12pm while I was sleeping, I s2g I was scared for my life top lel
deletedalmost 11 years
lmao that's awful, idk how you survive on it. 'tis not, still haven't finished lel, hopefully tomorrow c:
deletedalmost 11 years
LOL pls tell me you're joking. I'm crying irl lmao. I've just spent the last few hours cleaning my gym, still haven't finished :(
deletedalmost 11 years
pls do c; top lel
deletedalmost 11 years
GO LONDON ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้
deletedalmost 11 years
London is prettyyyyyy ah-may-zing c:
deletedalmost 11 years
yes u r crazy. Top lel we have like wind and rain and more wind and more rain and sometimes sun.. Except these past few weeks where it's been all sun. THANKS ENGLAND
deletedalmost 11 years
wednesday* c: and yh ofc it'll be there shortly after i get rich af c; does it ever rain thar?
deletedalmost 11 years
forreal I can :c Woo (lel fuck bostonkid) hashtag balling. Aw haha, trains in peak hour r ergh. It's supposd to thunder storm on wednesday, YOU GO ENGLAND.
deletedalmost 11 years
urm children books? pls they were instruction booklets. Aw haha, what'd you do? Good day off? c:
deletedalmost 11 years
u w0t m8? I can lift like 5 books I s2g fight me irl. Aw lmao, I didn't buy mine c:
deletedalmost 11 years
are u even going to buy it? Lel, I bet I can lift u bro
deletedalmost 11 years
top lel i can lift more than u c: yolo just photoshop it lmao. Supposed to be 84 tomorrow :c
deletedalmost 11 years
do u even lift bro? I'll probs go tomorrow lel, it's pretty much healed, I m wolverine irl. Lmao aw, retake it lel. It's getting cooler here woo c:
deletedalmost 11 years
Sounds fun, when do you finish for summer? We had our senior pics a few months ago lel. Have fun haha, stack that paper yo. Pretty shit, just been sitting around watching shit. Taking a week off from gym too to recover lel :c