
in love with 
part of  family







anonymousalmost 9 years
rip Jaaycee :'(
My fav. :c xo
deletedalmost 9 years
I miss you alot. Shame we both got lives outside of Survivor lobby. :/
We don't have the typical qualities that most of the others have: no friends irl, severe acne, phobia of sunlight, a thirst for pixel trophies... the list goes on. I miss you.
almost 9 years
lord jaaysus misses you <3
Queen K misses you even more. xo
about 9 years
i hope you are doing good babe ♥ like you said wish things were like in the beginning of this site where we didnt play with rodents :*
Loveyou. ♥
deletedabout 9 years
play more please xo. ♥
imy. ♥ If only I had as much time as those people who play in every single game.....
about 9 years
fun fact I listened to britney spears today and thought of u
deletedabout 9 years
ur only a game and a half away from being able to karma/comment !!
deletedabout 9 years
I would totally karma you BUT I CAN'T. SMH! love you. ♥ Ivana
deletedabout 9 years
Your my fav too tbh.
about 9 years
your so nice and incredible LUV!
about 9 years
Um confused why im not on your list???
about 9 years
your profile is fab as always <3 and yay i made the list!
deletedabout 9 years
lmao i like how u +'d all your comments except xRats. i died.
about 9 years
Hi Kandice. I miss you, and your profile is cute as usual ♥
over 9 years
ily cute profile =) ♥♥♥♥♥
deletedover 9 years
I really like your profile song! :>
over 9 years
Congrats on the great game last night :) 7 HoH's and 6 PoV wins between the two of us!
deletedover 9 years
nice status ;)
over 9 years
i love you ♥
over 9 years
You cannot karma someone who hasn't played at least 10 games yet!
deletedover 9 years
this is so awkward bc i go to your profile WAY too much lol i think i'm like 5k of your views..............
over 9 years
Happy Valentine's Day! (Hours late) ♥
over 9 years
hit em wit the ༼ ºل͟º ༽っ✂ snip snip
over 9 years
I can't +k you...but i would if I could.
over 9 years
we need to play together sometime!!