
married to 
part of  family


 hall of fame



anonymousover 6 years
well no but you claim that being ranked S means you're not bad so i'm devalidating that claim
your devalidation is wrong and if you're so sure that it isn't then dm me about it coward
anonymousover 6 years
solo queue means nothing as quality of players widely varies and contrary to popular belief sometimes your (individual) skill isn't enough to win the game
do i look like i care
anonymousover 6 years
you suck at splatoon how do you defend yourself
I'm almost ranked S in one gamemode so :\
anonymousover 6 years
you suck at splatoon
this is mass bullying
anonymousover 6 years
but you suck at splatoon
sure jan


1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedabout 5 years
purple pastel bg makes u look hella gay
about 5 years
ur so stupid lmao who would marry an idiot like u
about 5 years
you smell good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 5 years
you stink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
about 5 years
wow ur avi matches the em logo xd
about 5 years
hi i love u! (^ヮ^)
about 5 years
remember when ur aesthetic was cute :/
about 5 years
how are you me? im me...
about 5 years
rigby 17h 26m +1
this user is somehow worse than me
about 5 years
this user is somehow worse than me
about 5 years
i just took a fat shit
about 5 years
+k for the feet pics
about 5 years
plus kay 4 u, cheers
about 5 years
i would NEVER say that
about 5 years
I wish Raccoon would join our family, he's so cool...
deletedabout 5 years
your chanel, im store brand
about 5 years
I love you psy
about 5 years
i love psy
over 5 years
nice guiser games +k also I'm a better friend than meowmeulin, so u can stop hanging out with her now
over 5 years