
part of  family

Heart of stardust, defender of casuals, human example of bad RAM. I haven't played this game since 2014, so pardon me while I re-learn all my pro strats.

Hilarious guises:

  • FifthHorseman: "[My avatar is from] google images, tbh" (wasn't caught)
  • Bruckjo: "nah, not a self portrait, it's my little brother"

Unofficial Head of the BPN (Ban Pranay Now) Committee:

My alts:

  • RedTed
  • YellowFellow
  • GreenDean
  • BlackZack LMAO READ PREGAME Catch guiser d1, NL, catch him again d3 THIS IS HOW YOU GUISETEST, PEOPLE

deletedalmost 13 years
Terrible player.
almost 13 years
yo cyan
about 13 years
Celtic: You weren't even clear and you were my other FoS, so shut up kthxbye. Also, I never negged you.
about 13 years
same as dino , you play dumb you go for the risky lynch when the obvious safe lynch wich was in your FOSes could've saved the game , you lead cletus the sheep and kicked when had majority on me , you lost the game and you should have the neg karma , not me
about 13 years
u play dumb. neg
deletedabout 13 years
+k for you :D
deletedabout 13 years
oh okay then
deletedabout 13 years
ok next time i'll put SHHH, but see what you don't that there was a couple seconds left and I didn't want to put that and waste time and make the game unranked. sorry.
about 13 years
Egg was scummy as hell all game, sorry bro
deletedabout 13 years
Sigh com'on. Learn from it.
about 13 years
-K for sucking at game 210414
about 13 years
Yep, fair enough
about 13 years
+K to you sir.
deletedabout 13 years
tytyty :D
about 13 years
+k, please return
about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years
I can be fairly blunt and rude. As you probably saw a little of.
about 13 years
+K for bein chill and shit
over 13 years
Hey, thanks for the karmas. Will return once I get that much points.