
Now, where did my cane go...?

(( WeIIington | CecilAwl | DianaNobel | AdachiT | Larry | Fulbright | NeroC ))

Hello! Name's Cecil. Just your friendly neighborhood prosecutor! It's great to finally be out of law school and into the real world. Even if that means I'm also in a lot of debt, ha ha... Good thing being a prosecutor pays a good amount! I'll get it out of the way in no time.

Um... I'm not just all about my job, though, ha ha! I've got a life outside of work. Like my friend, Dee! I've known her since we were kids. And I love making friends! So come talk to me, I promise I won't bite!


Cecil was born blind, and because of this, usually keeps her eyes closed behind the sunglasses. She went to a deaf/blind school where she met Dee, and because of them being grouped together for most of the exercises (because of the deaf/blindness and because Cecil was younger and Dee was more competent, they were mainly grouped together because of the complimenting personalities as well) and, because of this, hit it off pretty well.

They were good friends until teenage years, when Dee became more bitter and when their opinions tended to clash more. Cecil has always been one for finding the truth, and would sometimes argue with Dee on the thought of taking bribes or any sort of underhanded method for finding anything other than the truth. She went onto university where she got her law degree to pursue a career path in prosecuting, which had more or less been her dream (representation is everything; what with Daredevil and all, it sort of inspired her as a kid to go into law).

Cecil is very bubbly and cheery, maybe to the extent of being a bit of an airhead. She likes to make friends and it isn't hard to be her friend, but if you betray her once it's hard for her to trust you again. She has a strong sense of respect for people and if she's your friend she will go to the ends of the earth to help you in any way she can.

In court, though, she's different; she is incredibly serious about her job and will do anything to get the verdict that's necessary; whether that's guilty or not guilty doesn't concern her that much, as long as they find the truth. When she's frustrated at a particular witness or the DA, she'll swing her cane, though it's usually at the back wall or the floor and she doesn't usually hit people.


> - Dee: Childhood friend and sort-of girlfriend. They're on the down-low about it because Dee isn't all about PDA, but Ceci is incredibly fond of her. > - Gant: Good friends, have worked together in the past, and they sort of have a thing. It's a little weird. She's very fond of him though and considers him a close friend. > - Alan: Good friends. Might have worked on cases before. May or may not have a smidgen of a crush on him. Really really likes his voice. > - Franziska: Sort-of adopted younger sister. She calls her her younger sister all the time and treats her as such. They're very close and if you mess with her, you're messing with Ceci. > - Camryn: Good friends. She's very fond of her. They bond over candy and cuddle sometimes. > - Chase: They've faced off in court a few times, and she's very good friends with him. She likes listening to him go off about mysteries. > - Lang: Her 'seeing-eye dog'. He's helped her keep informed on what's going on in games sometimes, and she greatly appreciates it. She considers him a close friend and he seems to consider her as part of his pack. > - Tateyuki: Good friends. One of the few people she's on a first name basis with. Likes his voice. And his face, from what she's been able to tell. > - Badd: Has worked with him once or twice. They don't talk much, but she appreciates his presence. > - Byrne: Haven't talked much either, but she's on good terms with him. > - Clay(lien): On good terms with him, but is a bit confused by his face and skin. She's felt his face before, and it doesn't feel human... She hasn't questioned it, though. > - Blackquill: She appreciates his presence, and likes working with him as a fellow prosecutor. She respects him greatly. > - (I'll add more as I remember them/as they develop!)

(Tumblr: richardunwellington)