
... My glasses are broken again. Tch.
in love with 

(( WeIIington | CecilAwl | DianaNobel | AdachiT | Larry | Fulbright | NeroC ))

I am Richard Wellington, the "Drifting Virtuoso" with a Ph.D. in Drifting, as it were. I'm currently searching for only the best of universities to accept me, so I can get my degree and eventually run this country. Which, of course, I eventually will.

I have a substantial amount of wealth, all the material goods a man could ever want, a perfect girlfriend and an amazing boyfriend... You could say I have it all. But of course, I don't plan on stopping here. I'm going for the best! The top! And I'm not going to let anything stop me or get in my way.

... Also, if you're here to make a banana joke at me thanks to what that despicable lawyer said about me in court, You might as well should just leave now.

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