

I-I live in the forest, up in the mountains, with my Grammy... I help her out a lot. It's tough work! B-but I manage...


  • Apollo Justice: A-Apollo is my friend, strong like the trees of the forest and so very brave, and kind... o-oh, Apollo...

  • Athena Cykes: Athena's my best friend since we were kids! She's strong too, and always manages to cheer me up!

  • Robin Newman: Robin's a great prosecutor and artist! She's always upbeat, it seems like, and it's fun to explore town together.

  • Hugh O'Conner: Hugh's a great friend too. He helped defend me when I was put on trial, and he's really great archer!

  • Myriam Scuttlebutt: I don't think Myriam liked me very much when we first became friends, but I've grown to really like her. Sometimes, when she's not writing articles, she invites me into her box. It's really fun!

  • Simon Blackquill: When I met Prosecutor Blackquill in court, I was really scared of him... he seemed a lot different than he did back at the Cosmos Space Center. But he's such a gentleman now!

  • Clay Terran: Clay's Apollo's friend, so we don't talk very much... but he seems like a very nice person! He's very brave for being an astronaut! I-I don't think I'll ever have the strength to do what he does!