this fongering children thing is going too far please stop bringing it up and spreading it more. it is not funny to obsess over a pun that infers that you are doing inappropriate things to children. it needs to stop
I agree completely
anonymousalmost 12 years
are u gay
only on days that end with y
anonymousalmost 12 years
your a faggot
very much so
anonymousalmost 12 years
Is is true that you fonger children?
DO NOT LISTEN TO DRYSEA'S LIES!!! He in fact fongers the children
YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND! Me. You. Game. Later. NO CHOICE. Also when you click the arrow next to the lobby you are in, you then have to click "see all tickets" then click "get ticket" where the bronze/silver ticket is shown (you do not lose any points)