
The Tale of the Fongers

Long ago, I, Fongertitan, was created as son of the FongerEarth and FongerSky, as were my bretheren. Even though I was the youngest, I took leadership among the Titans. As I grew up, I began to hate my father, FongerSky, and later slayed him with help from my mother. Later in life, I had my sons and daughters, the gods, including fongergod and fongergoddess. Just like me with my father, my son, fongergod began to hate me, and similarly cut me up, and tossed me into the depths of Fongerus. However with my last words, I cursed fongergod, and turned him into a mortal, thus taking the form fongerman. Now you all know how "sacrificed" himself for the Lower fonger race. However, as a result of his nobility, he was awarded immortality, and once again assumed the title fongergod. I have now been revived, and am now set to take my revenge against fongergod for killing me.