

Don't bother telling me a lie.

I can read minds, you know

..Ah! I'm kidding! It's only my intuition.


about 11 years
how do you feel about memes?
It's a hate/love thing..
about 11 years
How do you get SuperMaizo intuition. Tell me your secrets.
um... I can't tell you, after all they're secrets, right?
about 11 years
Just lead him on with your Maizono-y charm but then pull out some kfc or something, I'm not sure what an idol eats, and walk away and tell Hinata-kun!
Are you sure that will work?? If so.. okay, I'll do it
about 11 years
Maizono-san, you have to find out!! For science!! Hinata-kun really wants to know.
...H-..How exactly are you expecting me to find out?? ...for science..?
over 11 years
Love Komahina!!!!!!!!!!!!