
Pardon me, is that, a mullet?

Good day sir/madam and welcome to my profile. My name is Phelps. Cole Phelps to be precise. I am a mysogynistic womaniser and bent cop and I look forward to playing in games with you all. I enjoy cahooting with my Mafioso partners in how to vanquish the town, however being on the side of the town is a pleasant and commoving experience and I enjoy working out the best strategy in how to curdle the Mafia's pudding.

I am a man who can take on many forms. I am a ventriloquist venturing on the Mafia scene, posing and disguising in the role in which I have been fortuitous to have recieved.

To quote the great philosopher Mika, "I could be brown, I could be blue, I could be violet sky, I could be hurtful, I could be purple I could be anything you like."

Also, I am a sly dog, apparently:

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