San Jose
part of  family

im like gurvir but naked




anonymousalmost 11 years
If you were an animal which one would it be?
anonymousabout 11 years
you want to touch my pocket rocket?
anonymousabout 11 years
u did this. u created the cat avis. the fkin cat avis.
Umad? Umad.
anonymousover 11 years
stahp converting da whole EM into cats!! i mean... meow?
deletedover 11 years
I want a cat tooo :(
Send me a PM!


20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Clint Eastwood
20 / 20Do No Harm
15 / 15Knight Devout
deletedabout 11 years
omg omg omg yeah and i would get inno on you and i would be like OMG WHAT NO PLS HE IS STALKER lol!!! and awwwww that drawing is so cute did u draw it i love it
deletedabout 11 years
happy new year hope u have a good one :') https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me7oxaZDcQ1qmbg8bo1_500.gif
deletedabout 11 years
so i was bored and so i started drawing and it led to this and it reminded me of you ya im almost as talented as you @ drawing!! http://i.imgur.com/pYMeFsI.png
deletedover 11 years
+ k for the pandacat c:
deletedover 11 years
graple i sink hes on a breyk cuz i askd heem 2 maik me a kity n it has been a long tiem
deletedover 11 years
no <3 1 month and 21 days
over 11 years
omgI want a grapple kitty plsssssss
deletedover 11 years
omg sowwy for scaring you :-(
deletedover 11 years
hi pig merry christmas take care ily have a good one (p.s i accidently ended our marriage wah but i sent you another one!)
deletedover 11 years
even your lies are adorable
deletedover 11 years
hi you're cute
deletedover 11 years
k'ed , can u make me kitty?
over 11 years
hi +k for being a mick
over 11 years
HAHA i luv it xP
over 11 years
allow top hat please :)
deletedover 11 years
omg you know japanese what the heck
deletedover 11 years
aaaawwwww we are twins!!!!! kawaii desu~~lol~~~
deletedover 11 years
what is ppppone though
deletedover 11 years
a light blue kitty wid a crown ?
deletedover 11 years
where are u pig~