
pm for discord, dm for dick pics
part of  family


ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤsitd turns me on




anonymousalmost 9 years
I also heard Furansu n1s TravisTouchdown... is this true?
My secretary and PR manager, Hood, has informed me that I cannot speak anymore on the matter. Any further comments about this subject can be forwarded to my secretary, thank you.
anonymousalmost 9 years
I heard Furansu n1s TravisTouchdown... is this true?
Any accusations of any n1ing are all false and any further comments on the matter can be directed towards my secretary, Hood.
anonymousalmost 9 years
You love to die, I am to die for...love me pls
if this is SLTFATF no. if you are 22+ ok
anonymousalmost 9 years
who is your favorite lion
deletedalmost 9 years
*sweats* Idk what you're talking about it coulda been anyone
right.... it couldve been... anyone.. ˙ ͜>˙


1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
deletedover 9 years
very thanks 4 halloween! congrats on sandbox mod gift
deletedover 9 years
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
over 9 years
Here, you're the only one on this site I'm giving one to, s-so you'd better treasure it! b-baka! [http://38.media.tumblr.com/77d08a32d7c8bbab428a3a7998e6006f/tumblr_niabi5JH0g1u0n985o5_r1_500.gif]
over 9 years
What a crappy valentine card from Hood. Mine was leagues better
over 9 years
omg thank u so much... seriously... wtf im so happy... so sweet of u... aaaa :) ♥
over 9 years
why....why did u not ban me....i just want to be free from this eternal hell they call epicmafia...... (btw will you join my d club y/n)
over 9 years
hello my love and not nikki's love nikki u've got the wrong profile this isn't art's
deletedover 9 years
hello my love
deletedover 9 years
hello friend
over 9 years
Slices birbapple into bite-sized pieces with sharp birb talons!!
over 9 years
With what?!?! There is no beak! THE BEAK IS A LIE.
over 9 years
You can't peck anything with a fake beak! <(⁽ؔ˙⁾⊝⁽ؔ˙⁾)>
over 9 years
over 9 years
Because I owe you and totally not because I love you or anything (fake birbapple) http://puu.sh/fMeax/aaddf787d4.png
over 9 years
I want to [REDACTED] your spikes
over 9 years
you caught me...
over 9 years
I have no fetishes, I'm afraid you're mistaken.