
pm for discord, dm for dick pics
part of  family


ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤsitd turns me on




anonymousover 9 years
http://prntscr.com/7x6f21 You are not my real master
i know it was you....
over 9 years
omg furansu, you got married congrats bby
thank u soup can
over 9 years
herro overaged ladye plz skype me
new fone who dis
over 9 years
this isnt a question but hi furansu we are birdbros forever
aaaaaaaaa muriat <3 birdbros 4evr
over 9 years
Vous êtes de plus beau que de nez langue avi
Aaaaaaaa merci tu es tellement gentil


1 / 10I'm Batman.
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
to get rid of your evil ways
over 9 years
you need Jesus
over 9 years
haha cute

fart fetishist irl
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
umaru black
deletedover 9 years
u know...i give n i give n i give...n for what?....nothign...why do u hurt the soul
over 9 years
I literally tower over you by a foot furansu pls
deletedover 9 years
Are you an alien cuz ur out of this world
over 9 years
I was way late on the sticker game I visited ur profile the other day and noticed u didn't have any stickers and I was like ??? ur the person I've been friends with longest on this entire website how did I miss that
deletedover 9 years
:FUFU: you're the BEST!!! <3
over 9 years
spaalone babuguuscooties
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
unban me u nob
over 9 years
over 9 years