
I'm female - Just saying.

My Best Games:


About me

I am a student taking a small break from University to kinda find myself again and figure out what I want in life. I am not that great with making my own sites if I have to use html or css. My boyfriend handles that aspect for me if and when it comes to it. But building a site with a template, I'm much better at.

A website I built for a school project is also one that I couldn't afford to pay for, so excuse the fact that it is a sub-domain from a free website and that it is a tad long a name.


I'm not askin people to respect me and whether they do or don't that's their business. If you wanna take a look, do so. It's a website advocating the prevention and treatment of child abuse so that children aren't suffering because of neglect or physical, mental, or sexual abuse. The reason this site is focused on child abuse rather than all types of abuse is merely because my class in University was Criminal Investigation of Child abuse, and as such I had to focus more on that aspect.

The video on the main page was created by myself as well, and for the record, I got a 96% on that project. I aced the course with an A.

over 11 years
You are okay. I like your inspiration aura i feel! =]