
part of  family

Don't try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.

over 13 years
2k for u plz return!!!:D I honor you oh so great one:)
over 13 years
i know you have integrity so please neg these two point farm setups where everyone wins so they can't be played ranked anymore.
over 13 years
over 13 years Check setup's comments, I posted a game. If you kill one cop and hook the other cop he won't get a report.
almost 14 years
wat r U cryin abot
almost 14 years
Yes, I don't recall ever not being retired.
almost 14 years
I saw you post in the forums, I wanted to say hi =)
almost 14 years
Hi forbs.
almost 14 years
I don't play long enough to get trophies. I play once a week mebbe.
almost 14 years
Can I have my karma back? These new rules are ass.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k karma whoring return the favour por favour ;)
almost 14 years
o hey, guess who is in first
deletedalmost 14 years
haha that kinda makes me feel better about being fail mafia :P
almost 14 years
It's like, I joined you.
deletedalmost 14 years
<3333 +k on my main (kc1178 :P)
almost 14 years
Ohai! +K'ing for epic whoring.
almost 14 years
+2k for you. <3
almost 14 years
+k neg back friend
almost 14 years
I had you +k'ed, but nevermind!