

Epic Mafia = Epic Win

about 13 years
I'm out of hearts D:
about 13 years
Yay, I can post on walls now :D
deletedabout 13 years
about 13 years
oh, Mafia won, we managed to cross, but they voted me and mafia won
about 13 years
The philosophy of Mafia by Dimitry Davidoff himself in 1986 when he created the game in Moscow ... "An uninformed majority verses an informed minority." Those who know more and are more sure are therefore more likely to be mafia.
about 13 years
+2k...that game was great
about 13 years
+K for being awesome (and a colts fan) (and for being my ultimate meta test)
deletedabout 13 years
+k'd you for being a good player and for some of the most badass hypocopping I've seen.
deletedabout 13 years
It was a pleasure.
about 13 years
just sucks he only got hour suspension :/
about 13 years
+k'd for being awesome. =]
about 13 years
Wait a minute! We just won a lost game thanks to you ! That deserve a +k.
about 13 years
If I could I'd +K you 1000 times. It was an honnor playing with you.
over 13 years
Hey Im playing now and then again. Hopefully you will come back sometime.
over 14 years
b0oty stop making fun of mah frend
deletedover 14 years
nice account number, fucking show off.
over 14 years
Hey, you should come back sometime 2222.