
in love with 
part of  family

Begone, foul miscreation!                                                           

i'm no longer a part of the epicmafia community reach out to me as an individual if you want if we're not friends, feel free to try, but i'll probably ignore you i chose a long time ago to release this site's burden on my mind

as for the rest of this horrid place, just don't come anywhere fucking near me



anonymousover 9 years
cry about anon hate? have some more: you're a shitty SJW and a tumblrina. :)
check out this loser
over 9 years
@NJNJ Incorrect. The least amount of people that could possibly like him is 1, and that's me.
thank u
over 9 years
also connor...i would not anon tell you no one likes you. i would do it openly. lol
if you say so bud
over 9 years
do you get a lot of chicks?
i havent been single for 2.5 years
anonymousover 9 years
PSA yall: NJNJ thinks anonymous hate is an OK thing to do


2 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 25Objection!
1 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 20On the Trail
1 / 30Not On My Watch!
about 10 years
hey there , girl, thanks for the ruling of my report, but you made a mistake, I am a she not a he :P
deletedabout 10 years
Wait till the Kill La Kill figs come out, you wont be so resistant then.
deletedabout 10 years
Horry shit no it's a slippery slope. Look at this shit, this is one of my work desks . THIS COULD BE YOU.
about 10 years
zzzz you
about 10 years
you are suteki suteki suteki
deletedabout 10 years
19:34 - nbt: coni-chan
deletedabout 10 years
You went full weeaboo son, I warned you years ago.
about 10 years
no you
deletedabout 10 years
Conor could you unban me? I'm sorry. I really am :(( I've had a bad day, and I promise that I'll be good from now on.Please give me another chance <3 I'll really appreciated it.
about 10 years
oh shit
about 10 years
in your dreams maybe
about 10 years
fuck you, u big gay
about 10 years
nani sore
about 10 years
you need to grow up. a 20 year old grown man crying wolf every single fucking game because he has delicate feelings has no place on java mafia. please get help u clearly need it
about 10 years
who the fuck are you?
about 10 years
about 10 years
that's what you get for deleting me from steam bitch
about 10 years
mako dies
about 10 years
over a month late to the klk bandwagon
deletedabout 10 years
"Honestly i think that the mods every year should have a election for EM's favorite mod. Nikos cook deserves to win this especially for all the hard work he puts in everyday."