I adore you more than words can ever say and I am beyond blessed to have you in my life. No wifom. You're an amazing dude and I hope we're friends for another 7, 14, 21 years. LOVE MY MATTY BOI WOOF WOOF! I'll play with you soon my brother. Just gotta get my head on right. ♥
deletedalmost 7 years
LesbianRa... Of all the smol lesbians on this great epic mafia, matt is by far my favorite smol gay appendage.
One of the best users on Epicmafia next to yeasayer, plum, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, lacey, emily and SHERK. I love you biitches! My best friends for real. ♥ (This is being chained). EDIT: Username: IvanasPussy soda17 61mon 15d i'd tap that