
play a game with me
New York City
in love with someone gone
part of  family

I'm a noavi lawyer on EpicMafia

Fredrica Bernkastel:


almost 12 years
whoa classy cunty act by miss vaginakova claps 4 u bby
cunt punt
almost 12 years
but i need 2k points i think for comp and i hate ranked games i mean look at my scores they are awful lel
well you're awful for a reason js
almost 12 years
stop being a nerd and play em games with me
too good for sandbix bb
almost 12 years
um why are you ignoring me and exiting all games i'm in cry
deletedalmost 12 years
i was young and needed the money do not judge me


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
about 12 years
about 12 years

about 12 years
gurrrrrrrrrrrl shut up you know you want me to love you, you know you want that love feeling you lack in your life
about 12 years
hi bitch~~~
about 12 years
Ahh. Well, find me in a game. I'll be sure to kill it.
about 12 years
Oh, somebody's confident!
about 12 years
Oh, is that so? We have to play ranked games together. And see who's better. ;D
about 12 years
It probably is fate! Damn, and I didn't believe in that shit. We better play many games together, I wanna see how good you are. =P Then again, we've actually played a few games before, iirc.
about 12 years
;D When'd you join EM?
about 12 years
Damn, Verni. Never thought I'd see you again. Not here, for sure!
deletedabout 12 years
Me, sober? Never! You waz da best, maybe you still are, maybe not :)
about 12 years
You are not Fred.
about 12 years
Yes, I doubt Fredrica.
about 12 years
Take all the karma!+kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
about 12 years
about 12 years
returned thanks :p
deletedabout 12 years
I KNEW IT WAS YOU! I KNEW IT! HAHAHA! But I didn't disrespect you though :/
deletedabout 12 years
Your noavi lawyer? :O Who dat?
deletedabout 12 years
Don't call me a stranger! Why u so mean? :(
deletedabout 12 years
Luv you <3