You need to stop overreacting. It's okay to lose sometimes, it's just a game..especially when I've been more than patient with you.
deletedabout 12 years
Fucking braindead retard.
deletedabout 12 years
Don't mess with xMeow unless you wanna get your eyes clawed out. xoxo.
deletedabout 12 years
First of all you can call me Meow, secondly I was trying to be like tracker so I put that report on to make it seem real. Secondly you've lost 8/9 games so you shouldn't be running or anything, don't be concerned.
I suck at this game because YOU were cc'd and then tried to lead when I was the only clear? In case you forgot, I was going to lynch the mafia until YOU decided you wanted to lead because you didn't like my lynch. Lets see you lead... I'd be willing to bed that 50% of the time you lose when it is a 50/50 game... you were scummy. get over it!