

Joined at 3 September 2009

I refused to give full report, mafia and town likewise.

20/9/2009 - Reach 2k points, my name appear on the scoreboard for the first time =D

16~17/9/2009 - Reach 10k points, I am pretty sure 1 of the date is correct... Hmmmmm

5/4/2013 - Came back to try the game again out of curiosity.

Well, nothing much to say,hope I didn't failed any game for my friends and other people. To anyone that I did failed their game, I am truly sorry, bad at lying =D.

And I want to tell you all that I am freaking noob in lying, when I just lolz or whatever, it might not be lying, it might be true! So, if lose cause me, your bad =D

And lastly but not the least important, please tell me the reason why you -K or +K in the message below, to ensure that I will change my way =D.

Good Day To All~

over 14 years
Hi you :) Not sure if you remember me. But Hi :D
deletedover 14 years
OMG. Thanks for the last part. People -King you and not saying why is so annoying. Too scary to get -Ked back. Lame. Wow to your score though. You're like a pro. ^_^
over 14 years
Anyways, there was no argument to make, we were cced and my reports meant shit all, yet you seem to be pawning off the loss as my fault.
Just calm down and take it easy.

Don't Panic
over 14 years
Were you even in that game? I suspect theres a reason why you only have 2 karma and 14k points.
over 14 years
I left the game on accident. Pretty much most of my suicides were all that.
over 14 years
2k for u plz return
deletedover 14 years
Nah, you played a solid game. +K back.
deletedover 14 years
+k Frosty! Please Return!
deletedover 14 years
Ranked ragequiter. I lold.
deletedover 14 years
+ k for letting me fool you :D and your a good player I guess :P
over 14 years
+k back
over 14 years
+k because the day you joined EpicMafia was my birthday!
over 14 years
Also there was a moment where any normal mafia would have kicked as there was a townie voting you. You claim drunk, hopefully hit stalker and boom. You die anyway as stalker knows your role. It is a lot better to have a clear in place, always.
over 14 years
You're wrong. Zut wasd clear of stalker, and so could only be silencer. You always aim for stalker, so there was 1 in 3, potentially 2 in 3 choice pout of the other 2. The stalker also kind of slipped by saying you probably were drunk after stalking you. Not claiming drunk on d3 is absolute fail too as stalker knows every role by then. Scumhunting isn't something you imagine; people act differently as mafia as to town, you obviously haven't learned much in your year on this game!!
almost 15 years
No problem! I didn't get it at first either, and I ended up killing my mafia partner... lol... its a complicated role.
almost 15 years
I saw your wall post asking Islander about driver. If I was cop, and I investigated Islander, and BG protected you.... and driver drove BG and I... I would end up getting a "Kenji is sided with the village!", and BG would have protected Islander. It doesn't change what the report is, just who the report is on. Get it?
almost 15 years
+k for explaining now i get it..
almost 15 years
+k'd for Sakura and Syaoran!