If you still are unclear to why everyone ccd u as cop d1: When doc does n1, cops will only out d2, so thinking that u were cop, everyone ccd to try to protect u.
Tho i already think you know this, you just made a mistake, its ok.
ive never played a game with you were you havent vegged.
deletedover 12 years
Idk why you have -20 karma. I've played a few games with you and you seem pretty cool. Plus I apparently fail at guising you. So I'm gonna go ahead and +k you. (:
deletedover 12 years
deletedover 12 years
+k to you. Aside from that one instance, I've always found you fun to play with.
1) Don't sit in a game and continually ask the same questions. That's trolling and is very annoying in a ranked game. Save that annoying shit for unranked games. 2) You literally must be autistic.