

Hello! I am Croag, although my real name is Emily. I'm 24 years old and I'm originally from London but I live currently elsewhere in England, where I did a maths degree.

I've been on epicmafia for quite a while but only recently came back - so sorry if I'm not too good anymore!

Feel free to talk to me! I like talking...

I love all things the internet, Nintendo, anime... and other stuff. Anything! Also my favourite role to be in epicmafia is cop... #randomfact


over 7 years
over 9 years
Hello random stranger!
anonymousover 10 years
WHat kind of stuff are you into, besides EM?
hmm, nintendo stuff, so playing on my 3ds, watching any kinda show that I'm into at the time, music... er
almost 11 years
u r a qt pie
anonymousalmost 11 years
Hey good lookin. Ever get tired of people just commenting on your looks?
*yawn* :P


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
20 / 20He's Batman
12 / 25Explosion!

Created Setups

almost 7 years
either way i love your real name

Emily <3

and i love london ! london baby!

and nintendo anime and i assume you love pizza :P

i love talking too so yay Hi 5
about 7 years
why would you name your self a cigarette :/
over 7 years
I like Molecular gastronomy as well!
over 9 years
I like Molecular gastronomy as well!
over 9 years
karma for noticing softs as mafia :D
deletedover 10 years
Your dog looks like they have sinister things planned.
over 10 years
Calico 3> Calico Cats :)
about 12 years
deletedabout 12 years
Thanks for the kudo! +k'd you :))
over 12 years
+k'd back to 0 (I can finally +k, woopwoop) :D
over 12 years
+K :D
over 12 years
Townsided as fool +K thanks!