
part of  family

Jaguar's alt

I do not lie on this alt. If you think I am lying, you are mistaken. This is not a trick.


Q: So what does this mean?

A: It means that if I make a claim or give a report, it is truthful. To the best of my (human) ability, I will couch theoretical thinking as just that: "I think Iphigenia is mafia" instead of "Iphigenia is mafia". I may slip.

Q: Well, I'll just say, "Hey, are you mafia." Then what?

A: I won't answer the question. If I'm blue, or mafia, I'll claim that I am not a pr.

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/index/189638 HonestJaguar died protecting HonestJaguar! HonestJaguar, the bodyguard, has died a bloody death.

over 14 years
I made a bad assumption that Anthony wouldn't push on me as mafia. I did think it was the 3rd setup because I re-read d1 and at the end of the day Anthony said "Doc on me" and he claimed watcher the next day. Anyhow, I was careless, sorry about that.