
Where's your gold trophy. Yeah i thought so.
in love with 




anonymousover 11 years
How many kids has Snails raped today?
too many to even count ;-;
over 11 years
Just a daily reminder that you are a fag <3
over 11 years
Just a daily reminder that you are a fag <3
You just wanna visit my profile page DONT LIE
anonymousover 11 years
Be careful or the parrot will get plucked. - A xoxo
over 11 years
u a fag
Ya mams


10 / 15New Sheriff in Town
9 / 25Objection!
7 / 30Oxyclean
6 / 20On the Trail
4 / 10Gotcha!
deletedalmost 11 years
K I S S L A N D. S E P T E M B E R 10
almost 11 years
Where art thou sexy parrot?
deletedabout 11 years
Lol I got it 2 days ago nigga it's good I agree! :) plus I got j Coles and I looooved it!!!! <333
about 11 years
oops :o
about 11 years
para y u block me :(
about 11 years
Fun Fact #129212 - Just kidding, whales can't jump either.
deletedabout 11 years
You must be Color blind then lol :p
deletedabout 11 years
Sweg feg! lol jk you coo :p
deletedabout 11 years
LOL, tell me about it! Some people need to grow up. and shut up, too. Sick of him/her literally spluttering shit all over the Games Lobby. Nobody gives a fuck - the game happened days ago. Move on. We're such victims though, being attacked. :'c -tears- xo.
about 11 years
Never mind Parrrot you are completeting running around my point
about 11 years
It's like your hear none of my comments. I said my intentions were to be voted off. But I told noone I wanted to be. I wanted to see who'd vote me. I already told my team in a Chatzy I wanted to be voted off anyways. Jeez it's like you dont hear and even if Kandy told you to vote me, if wer'e allies why would you do it. Be your OWN person. Not a follower, but a leader.
about 11 years
Well isn't that fantastic.
deletedabout 11 years
thanks for that
about 11 years
about 11 years
+k for placing second in BB All-Stars!
about 11 years
SORRY. I took too long
about 11 years
That just means you're not welcome on my profile. If you keep insulting me on my profile, I'm going to report you. Enjoy playing EM, little boy. :)
about 11 years
Dude, its just a game. Get a life.
over 11 years
If epicmafia dies tonight, you will always live on in my heart. I love you, sexy parrot. <3 -Your fluffy penguin.
over 11 years
Yes, you are a dumbfuck you asshole.
Review the game with timestamps...probably then you will understand what happened, if you still don't understand then message me.