oh you mean the game that just finished where i tried to lynch the mafia and you tunneled on a blue and refused to vote the mafia even after you said you would?
Am i supposed to be impressed winning? My sister is as well and because she isnt the socially excepted visualization of what a lesbian women should be she is frequently tormented by homophobia even to this day lokito. UNACCEPTABLE.
You have nothing better to do then sit there and trash me on the lobby wall? Really? Get hobbies. By the way, if I was so bad, I wouldn't have 52 karma. Leave me alone now.
deletedabout 13 years
I don't even remember playing with you, why are you randomly trash talking me when i'm not responding?
deletedabout 13 years
I'm not the only one who thinks you suck. Practically everyone does. So suck my make believe dick.