Pray4Goodbar, he had surgery today. Pray that he is okay. Pray for a fast and safe recovery, and pray because you love him. <3 #TeamGoodbar
deletedalmost 12 years
You need a new avi I think!
Why is that? XD
anonymousalmost 12 years
put gif into your profile bio its awesome and your awesome so it makes sense to use a awesome gif!
The thread is called "Say one bad thing about the person above you", and you're actually pretty cool in my book, so I just pulled something out of my ass. Sorry if it offended you - Just try to be a bit more careful when you file reports. Filing at the end of the last day or after the game ends is preferred.
deletedalmost 13 years
D: but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but
Thanks for reporting me bro. It really helps a person new to competitive lobby learn when he gets reported after his very first game for "not contributing," when he was just being silent so he could figure out what was going on. You only got pissy cause you lost.