
Trying to save the World!

Helpless for the HelpfulHeroine


Ya'll fucking suck

about 12 years
yo gaydead whats crackin homeslice
over 12 years
over 14 years
wat happnd to greydead
over 14 years
i dont know why they are negging you. +k please return! :)
deletedover 14 years
You played well that game. No reason to neg you.
over 14 years
i +kd you because you looked angry :) settle down :)
deletedover 14 years
I am your first friend, woo<3
over 14 years
2k for u plz return!
over 14 years
Any time babe <3
over 14 years
Oh wait you probably mean your main account LOL. I +k'd that. xD
over 14 years
I never +K'd you, so I will now! Thanks for the +K!
almost 15 years
Then there shouldn't be any jokes about ran. Simple as that, people have been hating on ran for the longest time now. One thing comes up against aimee and the offender's getting bashed. Thats hypocricey. I know that being raped is obviously more serious than being made fun of over the internet. But from ran's perspective, it doesn't make a difference since he's the one on the bottom
almost 15 years
Wall that argument is pointless, because Ran never mentioned it before someone spread it around and it became big news and people CONTINUE to talk about it but then Ran retorts and suddenly people get all on him and say he's bringing it on himself ignoring the fact that he was provoked because it's just easier that way.
I love it. It's so logcial and correct. Thats why she gets +6
almost 15 years
thanks for the karma