

<><><><><><><> ACHIEVEMENTS <><><><><><><>

11/07/09: Gold Trophy 02/23/10: 20k points 03/21/10: 56% win 03/27/10: Silver Trophy 03/27/10: 400 career wins 03/27/10: Trophy HoF 03/30/10: 700 career games 04/02/10: 57% win 04/13/10: Win% HoF (57.8%) 04/13/10: 25k points 04/21/10: 800 career games 05/15/10: 500 career wins 05/23/10: 900 career games 05/25/10: 30k points 08/04/10: 1k career games 08/26/10: 600 career wins 09/15/10: 35k points 12/01/10: 700 career wins 01/07/11: 40k points


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10Scumhunter
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

deletedover 13 years
congrats on 40k jep ;P
deletedover 13 years
+k! please return
over 13 years
Well since I am +k'ing you here I am going to take this chance to insult the Americian jr team, and assert the Canadian teams awesomeness
over 13 years
over 13 years
Hey Jep, If I post the icons I have made for the Blacksmith and Tailor, would you please post them for me? My score is not yet high enough to post.

deletedover 13 years
the devils suck you should change your avi to a good team like the habs
over 13 years
I got him where I wanted. I cleaned up the forums. Anyways before you call me a immature whoring attention idiot, look who you are arguing with. I thought the mature person was supposed to look the other way and ignore.
deletedover 13 years
Sented! :)
over 13 years
Thanks for offering your opinion on my forum post, I greatly appreciate it. +K =)
deletedover 13 years
+k please return
deletedover 13 years
Hi Jep, I saw your scumhunting competition in the forums and would like to enter, but I don't have 500 points yet ;_: Hopefully I'll get them in a day or two, but I don't want to miss the registration deadline! Could you sign me up pleasee? ty!!
over 13 years
+k for bitching at matt.
over 13 years
Your vague threats are pretty pathetic. Sucking up to lucid is not something I do. I mean everything I say to him. Yes many vets I do suck up to but to the decent ones Jep. Btw the IRC is getting tired of your little drama acts.
deletedover 13 years
why is it annoying?):
over 13 years
Hahahaha you warned me. Now this is getting really serious lol
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
over 13 years
tick tock goes the clock. You delete it lol you have done it before.
over 13 years