
One of a Kind.
The Grand Line
in love with someone gone
part of  family

01/28/16 - Christopher Smith (Cjn104): R0ronoaZoro is a solid name, signifying the founding animes of our great nation


A Special spot dedicated to:

Tucker - For being my best friend and the Villager sticker. I'll never forget everything you've done for me. Thank you so much. c:

Dylan - For the Villager sticker and gifting me tokens to buy Coloured Font and a Profile Background. You're the best man!

Kandice - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

SpiderBoom - For the Mafia sticker. Ty!

Owen - For the Hunter sticker. Ty!

NessaMaria - For the Mason sticker. Ty!

Krista - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

Arianna - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

coolkidrox123 - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

nattless - For the Chef sticker. Ty!

Survivor Lobby Admin 12/18/2014 - 7/18/2015

10,000 visitors 3/12/2013

20,000 visitors 12/9/2014

30,000 visitors 11/3/2017

100th Friend = Kanjo (my alt lol)

200th Friend = EMBB

3 Survivor Lobby Gold Trophies 10/10/2014 3/21/2016 6/26/2016
1 Survivor Lobby Silver Trophy 4/15/2016

omg it me - http://prntscr.com/boi0f3 | http://prntscr.com/d39jfe




over 10 years
I don't say this to very many people, but I genuinley respect you bunches and bunches. Anyway, what's your favorite color?
Omg ty bgeas I'm honoured. <3 and it's obviously Green! :D
anonymousover 10 years
i meant do u ever wish you arent as nice as u are
No. Why would anyone wish for that?
anonymousover 10 years
do you ever wish you arem as nice as u are?
I don't really understand the question but I definitely do wish that I was even more nice sometimes.
deletedover 10 years
zoro you are the nicest guy plz be GENEROUS AND GIVE ME TOKENS
I don't actually have a way to buy anything online without asking my parents (awk) so I couldn't really get them to. If I win tokens somehow though I'll tell the person to give them to you instead.
over 10 years
Best profile yet ik. :P <3


3 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
over 7 years
over 7 years
I'm glad someone got the reference ~ k+ becuz of so
over 7 years
I +k'ed u again because I'm stupid and ur still cool
over 7 years
ur cool, +k'ed
deletedover 7 years
N O W I <3
over 7 years
nice nowi pic
over 7 years
leave him alone btw ur gif works well for me now
over 7 years
dont contaminate elmo he is pure
over 7 years
ur ok too i guess
over 7 years
thank you R0ro!! I like yours a lot too :) :D
deletedover 7 years
Of course little witch is amazing how can I not ^^
over 7 years
over 7 years
nah u know how i feel about numbers in usernames
over 7 years
over 7 years
poke me one more time and see what happens
over 7 years
spooky profile my dude
over 7 years
You are a massive weeb.
over 7 years
choke choke choke i hope u choke
over 7 years
i hope u die
over 7 years
what can i say i love smug anime boys