
One of a Kind.
The Grand Line
in love with someone gone
part of  family

01/28/16 - Christopher Smith (Cjn104): R0ronoaZoro is a solid name, signifying the founding animes of our great nation


A Special spot dedicated to:

Tucker - For being my best friend and the Villager sticker. I'll never forget everything you've done for me. Thank you so much. c:

Dylan - For the Villager sticker and gifting me tokens to buy Coloured Font and a Profile Background. You're the best man!

Kandice - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

SpiderBoom - For the Mafia sticker. Ty!

Owen - For the Hunter sticker. Ty!

NessaMaria - For the Mason sticker. Ty!

Krista - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

Arianna - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

coolkidrox123 - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

nattless - For the Chef sticker. Ty!

Survivor Lobby Admin 12/18/2014 - 7/18/2015

10,000 visitors 3/12/2013

20,000 visitors 12/9/2014

30,000 visitors 11/3/2017

100th Friend = Kanjo (my alt lol)

200th Friend = EMBB

3 Survivor Lobby Gold Trophies 10/10/2014 3/21/2016 6/26/2016
1 Survivor Lobby Silver Trophy 4/15/2016

omg it me - http://prntscr.com/boi0f3 | http://prntscr.com/d39jfe




deletedalmost 12 years
James. when Morph turns 18, he'll choose between me & his parents - obvi, he'll choose me. I win. xo
I'm not sure how I should respond to this.
almost 12 years
hello this is james and i would just like to say i will not let our baby boy go.
Sorry anon. James has spoken.
anonymousalmost 12 years
PS, You should move Spiderboom up too.
anonymousalmost 12 years
I'm totally dating Morph whenever he's a little older, I'll wait. :)
You'll have to go over that with James. I'm not sure if he'll be able to let our baby boy go.
anonymousalmost 12 years
You should totes move Kandy up on your list. - From anonymous. (PS, I'm not Kandy) xo.
Sure thing person who I don't know.


3 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
about 12 years
deletedabout 12 years
Same. I'm really glad that we allied. Hopefully see you in another game soon.
deletedabout 12 years
<3 trying to get more points is hard x.x
about 12 years
Eat him out, slackerz.

But yeah, I'm winning this poke war. :I
deletedabout 12 years
you're way too modest and kind (are you even real) I sound like a kiss-ass but you're seriously a really cool guy, respect.
deletedabout 12 years
fuck, youre a really cool guy
about 12 years
I'm going to win this poke war. :P
about 12 years
I'm coming for you bitch.
deletedabout 12 years
thaaaaankyouuu <3 <3 <3 & i knooow "/
deletedabout 12 years
todays my birthday (:
about 12 years
about 12 years
LOL@ Perona>Nami any day xD
deletedabout 12 years
Haha no problem, I miss you!
about 12 years
I guess you're right. It's unrealistic but w.e
about 12 years
You can just forget about winning this poke war.
deletedover 12 years
Sorry about not replying back then in the end of the checkers game, I was lagging and none of them were sending. Either way, good luck in school and what not. Hope to see you again :P
deletedover 12 years
lmaoo , yeah i feel you on the whole school stuff >.< senior year is SO hard .
deletedover 12 years
lmao at voice copying me ? & you need to get on aaaaaiiiim "/
deletedover 12 years
that comment was cute. :') we should totally have this secret final two alliance someday. because lets face it, it's easy to get just about anyone evicted but the real challenge is beating them in jury c; oh, and i gave you your first sticker because you're nice ! c: xo.