
One of a Kind.
The Grand Line
in love with someone gone
part of  family

01/28/16 - Christopher Smith (Cjn104): R0ronoaZoro is a solid name, signifying the founding animes of our great nation


A Special spot dedicated to:

Tucker - For being my best friend and the Villager sticker. I'll never forget everything you've done for me. Thank you so much. c:

Dylan - For the Villager sticker and gifting me tokens to buy Coloured Font and a Profile Background. You're the best man!

Kandice - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

SpiderBoom - For the Mafia sticker. Ty!

Owen - For the Hunter sticker. Ty!

NessaMaria - For the Mason sticker. Ty!

Krista - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

Arianna - For the WereWolf sticker. Ty!

coolkidrox123 - For the Cop sticker. Ty!

nattless - For the Chef sticker. Ty!

Survivor Lobby Admin 12/18/2014 - 7/18/2015

10,000 visitors 3/12/2013

20,000 visitors 12/9/2014

30,000 visitors 11/3/2017

100th Friend = Kanjo (my alt lol)

200th Friend = EMBB

3 Survivor Lobby Gold Trophies 10/10/2014 3/21/2016 6/26/2016
1 Survivor Lobby Silver Trophy 4/15/2016

omg it me - http://prntscr.com/boi0f3 | http://prntscr.com/d39jfe




anonymousover 7 years
Are you gay?
over 7 years
Under statute law you will be arrested for vacuuming between 10pm and 7am on weekdays 9am on weekends. Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Deja vu
anonymousover 7 years
Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you.
cute one I like it
anonymousabout 8 years
Why have you lost interest?
Meta mostly and while I did use alts to get around that it was still a pain. It's also noteworthy that games tend to follow a similar outline which makes it feel like less of an interesting challenge and more like I'm going through the motions each game.
anonymousabout 8 years
when are you gonna play again?
Honestly it's pretty unlikely that I will. I've lost interest in the game and rarely do I have an urge to waste multiple hours at one time with Vivor/BB.


3 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 10I'm Batman.
about 12 years
GG Roro! :) +
about 12 years
yay lets play comped soon~ + my skype messages have been saying PENDING since 6 pm ;-;
about 12 years
i wont let me ask another question but I guess you also missed the part where negative karma was removed ;)
about 12 years
Yaaaaaay<33 you gotta play at night that's when we all play partyyy! It's my favorite setup xD
about 12 years
It's just a requirement to get into the lobby so points/karma never get deducted, and the ticket is yours forever once you get it :3
about 12 years
LOL. check my profile again.....
deletedabout 12 years
10. xKandy..... -tears irl- xo.
about 12 years
No, why are you so amazing?
about 12 years
muhahaha yes.
about 12 years
i just cant win.
about 12 years
what are you talking about? ;)
about 12 years
I know xD My brother was looking for a pic of him smiling and all you could see in his eyes was the intent to slaughter.
about 12 years
yeah as i was saving it i had a moment of genius and thought of that name. also i love that avatar you have ;3
about 12 years
ooh thank you ;3 i call it Scribbs LOL
deletedabout 12 years
HEY YOU! :p I've been watching your list, and first I was #4. then #6 & now I've moved down to #9. Don't let me fall out of the top 10 , i'll feel uber irrelevant. :c xo
deletedabout 12 years
no need to apologize, LOL. it was a great move, and we were kind of on different sides in that game anyway. if there was a jury, i would have voted you. :p xo.
about 12 years
I'm offended that I'm not on your list. Super offended.
deletedabout 12 years
thanksss (: btw i wanted to say sorry if im a bitch to you in games :\ i take games too seriously lol and sorry i didnt say it sooner i barely notice you in games :p
deletedabout 12 years
No problem man :)