
I am ur guardian angel
part of  family



deletedover 11 years
You're so b0otyful <-- See whut i did dare? C:
deletedover 11 years
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?
maybe like 200? I dont lick my lollis i suck em so idk
deletedover 11 years
Y you so mean to me and nice to everyone else does that mean I suck extra hard
I am not mean 2 u : ( drake is attractive and bushy eyebrows = power. I am sorry if I offended u!
over 11 years
You a fucking bitch yo my niggas gonna gang rape yo ass
anonymousover 11 years
did you know that sgr's name means Esse Gay Ass Raaizer?


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 10Scumhunter
8 / 20Do No Harm
7 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 25Explosion!
almost 11 years
I asked him nicely! But I guess I get more respect than you do cuz of the whole mod thing :3
almost 11 years
I did it b0oty!!!
almost 11 years
Omg okay only for you though, just don't tell any of the other mods
almost 11 years
The correct answer would have been the sky, but I'll try my best!
almost 11 years
What's up b0oty?
almost 11 years
Disappointed I barely remember Sirius
almost 11 years
Got anything else for me?
almost 11 years
I don't trust you coz you cheated once before
almost 11 years
Good, except I knew that
almost 11 years
That is so textbook that it is unworthy. Give me some site secrets. Preferably about some faggot. I'd list faggots but they're mostly all faggots so I'll save my time.
almost 11 years
Probably safest to out all of them
almost 11 years
Don't have any other secrets for me?
almost 11 years
B0oty your words hurt. I was really gonna tell you the account you know
almost 11 years
Your bullshit doesn't cut it for me
almost 11 years
That was the worst secret ever I'm sorry no main for you
almost 11 years
Also get that guy off your page. I feel like he's going in to kiss me. And his eyes are gorgeous and I am afraid of turning.
almost 11 years
If that's the case you have nothing to worry about by going first
almost 11 years
You tell me a secret and if I think it's worthy I'll tell you
almost 11 years
You missed your chance for my secret
almost 11 years
I'm ready for your body now