high numbers are good :P Just pretty much my rating of how good everyone is. Doesn't actually mean anything but they have it in the series so I thought I would put it in there (well captain wanted me to). And what type of sticker do you want :) I just worked out how to give them, haha.
Yeah, while district's don't actually mean anything in the real thing, I'm trying to sort them out as well as I can :p And can you find a partner or should I just match you up?
I'm hosting a Hunger Games next Friday, 6:30pm EST. All the details are on my profile. Just give me a message if you're interested plus a partner if possible (opposite sex), otherwise I'll try pairing you up :)
I hope this video cheers you up. I think you'll easily be able to relate to this... What with the contracting AIDS thing, giving it to another dude, and then writing a song about that and your eventual death from the disease. ♥
deletedalmost 13 years
You need to forward him a copy of the PayPal receipt too, lmao.
deletedalmost 13 years
Email [email protected] about the gifted tokens, because moderators cannot do anything about that function.