
part of  family

A mod called me irascible.

"It isn’t dark. The bugs are chirping, but it isn’t dark yet. The sun is behind the trees, but the sky isn’t black yet. It isn’t time to come inside. We can still see the ball. No, we won’t bother the neighbors. They aren’t going to bed, because it isn’t dark yet. Our mothers would not call us inside if only they knew it was the last night of our childhood. We can still see the ball. 8:53 is the afternoon, it is the late afternoon.

There is the moon. But it isn’t dark."

-Jon Bois

"I hope, like a thousand other fantasies making up my life, that the experience validates the unfeeling, sterile framework of things. I hope that I get that feeling of being slightly less wooden, of being something closer to being a real boy... I have this option, or I have cynicism. So do you. It is a choice you make every day, and it is the only one that matters.

The horizon is always hungry for daylight, and takes it ray by ray. Run one way or the other. Stay still and your choice is made for you anyway."

-Spencer Hall, God's Away on Business

. . .

Links! And MS Paint masterpieces!

loltumblr "FUCKING SASSY SPRINKLES! POC. Glittery sissy genderqueer, androgy-femme/glamdrogynous. Demiqueer, multi-sexual, florasexual. Disabled (ADD and OCD). I check my thin privilege daily. You can ask me questions about my identity but DO NOT POLICE IT. My triggers include blood, red meat, rape/non-consent, molestation, abuse of any sort, objectification of women, racism and ableism. Let me know if I fail at tagging."

Thank you for reading.


anonymousalmost 10 years
ur a fagot
You managed to misspell two out of three words and decided to remain anonymous. Faggot.
anonymousover 10 years
Are you the reincarnated John Lennon?
God that would be so cool right? But think of it this way: Lennon died in '80. I was born in '91. So an 11 year old who was Lennon died. Or would it be more like 9? I'm not good with this religious theory.
anonymousover 11 years
holy shit u have a nice face
That's not a question, kind stranger.
about 12 years
Do you like the taste of my knife? :D
Tastes like your blood is on it...
about 12 years
was the dick too bomb?
It exploded all in my face.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
18 / 20Do No Harm
9 / 10Scumhunter
9 / 25Objection!
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedover 12 years
Y'ALL AIN'T GETTIN SHIT FOR NUDES I'M JS also it doesn't make me mad when you hit on me cause i'm a lesbian you liar
deletedalmost 13 years
Tell me about your pitching staff.
almost 13 years
You're assuming I don't have the capacity for reason. Wow. After all that, you're just going to sit there and assume and not even try.

Good luck with life.
deletedalmost 13 years
Johnny, you'll never understand why I'm offended just like i'll never understand why you'd want to use a word that has been used to make an entire race feel sub-human.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
I dunno man. That game was foreverrrr ago.
almost 13 years
Quite possibly the best maf ever XD Would +k if could.
deletedalmost 13 years
For someone who wants to be a mod, you sure are hateful. Hyahahahahahaha.
almost 13 years
almost 13 years
k-'d you for being a cunt
deletedalmost 13 years
almost 13 years
I read enough of it. Unnecessary.
deletedalmost 13 years
Douchebanana. Did you read the thread?
about 13 years
Good game sorry it took me so long to be sure, but i wanted to be absolutly sure!
deletedabout 13 years
+k for being competent
about 13 years
deletedabout 13 years Please vote with others at lylo, if not it's potential autoloss.
about 13 years
+k for an awesome game, thanks. Plus you're pretty cool, hope to see you around some time.
over 13 years
Laurie, it was kicked. I didn't even lead the lynch. You're being ridiculous for blaming me. I was going to switch but it was too late. I was outvoted.
deletedover 13 years
BAD MOVE. You were absolutely stupid to lynch me when I got you UNCC'd as bp. They were believing me, so I could have KEPT that claim if I were maff.