
part of  family

Well let's start. My name is Michael I live in a south american country that has a pretty decent life standard. I speak spanish and english.

I'm fucking nuts, every once I will start saying stupid things like Vagina!, Nigger or something crazy like that, I have a really good humor so sometimes when you feel i'm an ass i'm probably just kidding so don't get pissed up. If you feel I need to stop just say it.

I listen really fucked up music like Torsofuck, Agathocles, Job For A Cowboy or soft music like Motionless In White, Whitechapel etc.

If a guise test just ask me about a band that I like and I'll probably mention one of the top, or one of the same genre.

Ja, natürlich.

Es ist Arznei, nicht Gift, was ich dir reiche.

Fucking epic: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1349830

about 12 years
hey! ♥
about 12 years
Ze stalin.
about 12 years
Of course I didddd :P This game isnt the same without Darki, duhhh
about 12 years
over 12 years
Okay ♥
over 12 years
Darki <3 I misss youuuuuu.
over 12 years
Darkiiiiiiiiiii! <3
over 12 years
Sieg Hiel!
over 12 years
Remember, im always here. Well, not always, but when im on, im here for you! (: ♥
over 12 years
Thats stupid! :c
over 12 years
over 12 years
I cant propose love to you. My life is over.
over 12 years
+K for winning a 13GS, 1 maf game.
(As maf)
over 12 years
Hello! (: good game that one was!
over 12 years
Hey Darki! :D Never really see you around anymore D: Why don't you message me if you get back on ^_^
over 12 years
Hello Darki!! :P
deletedover 13 years
aw you have one friend :((((