

if u want to +k me or -k me please say why. 1. i usually fake claim just for fun, but then retract. 2. i am usually active, whatever role i am. 3. I don't care if i loose or win, its just a game so get over it. 4.I AM ALWAYS SCUMMY :(


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
11 / 20He's Batman
5 / 25Explosion!
3 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 20Do No Harm
over 13 years
+K'd to 44, return please :)
over 13 years
+kd, plus me back please :D
over 13 years
+k for mafia dude
over 13 years
+ed to 40, please return
over 13 years
returned +k to 39
over 13 years
Returned !
deletedover 13 years
ah ha ! RETURNED ! .. first time anyone showed up and did that first..
over 13 years
over 13 years
re+k to 31
over 13 years
returned! :)
over 13 years
+k returned :)
over 13 years
+k returned
over 13 years
+K returned.
over 13 years
Sinquisition 1 hour 47 minutes
First, you must acquire 2,500 points. Then, you must also acquire 10 karma. After you have mastered the ways of the Training Lobby in this fashion, you shall click the gray hourglass-looking button that is situated directly next to the tab for the SandboxLobby. Once you have done all this, the magical wonder of the hatred that spews forth from the Competitive Lobby like a whiff of Pandora's Box shall be at your very fingertips... forever*! Enjoy! *Unless you self-delete or are banned.
over 13 years
over 13 years
+K'ed. We can has trade now?
over 13 years
over 13 years
over 13 years
+k returned! c:
over 13 years
returned +k