Peach Beach

Hey there! Call me Major! Honorary Marine, Pineapple and Boomerang enthusiast, also the guy you'd ask to watch your pet for a week. On top of that, I love to write stories, I am blessed with the gift of delivering great dad jokes at horrible times, I love Professor Willow from Pokemon GO! and one of the most chill players you'll probably meet here.

Also for the love of god, if you could please stop killing me on Night 1, I would highly appreciate it. Seriously, it's way past old now.



10 / 20He's Batman
10 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 25Explosion!
4 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
3 / 15New Sheriff in Town
almost 6 years
+k cuz i miss u
almost 7 years
+k cuz i miss u
almost 7 years
dear major, i miss u
about 7 years
dear major, i miss u
about 7 years
Dear Majormaaz,
I accused you of reporting me,
because i have been reported many times
grs, trolling, spamming and isp
(25% of which WERE NOT MY FAULT)
so i am writing this poem thingy to say
I am sorry. I was wrong.
you did NOT report me
In this toxic cesspool of tryhards, morons, and yami
you offer genuine kindness and friendship
You are legitness.
Sorry my poem doesn't rhyme.
Shalom Friend,
deletedover 7 years
Post this on 15 players walls of people who are the nicest and most beautiful humans in the world. ♥ :)
over 7 years
hi major ✧・゚: *╰(^∇^╰)
over 7 years
You are the sweetest person in the world. I wish there were more people like you. I meant suicide in the game, not in real life. Thank you for checking tho! <3
over 7 years
cute avatar