your name makes me think of this alice in wonderland halloween costume and its all like bloody and scary and the name of it was Malice.... anyway lol i think of that costume everytime i read ur name. lol,
deletedabout 14 years
ishine says yr special. =D we should b freenz.
deletedabout 14 years
Wendys negs people for supporting me, negging him, insulting him, and just all around stupid things. That's why a lot of people hate him, and proving he's a cheat has made him even more angry. Like I said though, if I see him negbomb you I can probably get you like +20k
deletedabout 14 years
Wendys negbombs are good for up to -10k
deletedabout 14 years
Warning: You may get a Wendys negbomb. I'll have a couple people plus you later just in case though.
Yeah - that's the thing. I know most of the people on this site are immature enough to make the joke just because of my age alone. At the same time - something about faking my age also seems creepier. If I say I am young, it's like I am hiding that I am actually older - so I prefer not to create the wrong image by being untruthful about it. Catch-22 kind of.
Nah, it's not that. He's just desperately asking anyone he can to neg me but it's not going so well. I've gained 104 karma in two days. Thanks a lot though, and I'll return when I can.