
part of  family
174wins229losses9left The most epic town win I have ever seen.

my epic doctor skills too bad it went unranked



7 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20Do No Harm
3 / 10Gotcha!
2 / 10Scumhunter
about 14 years
+k for you, please return (:
deletedabout 14 years
your name makes me think of this alice in wonderland halloween costume and its all like bloody and scary and the name of it was Malice.... anyway lol i think of that costume everytime i read ur name. lol,
deletedabout 14 years
ishine says yr special. =D we should b freenz.
deletedabout 14 years
Wendys negs people for supporting me, negging him, insulting him, and just all around stupid things. That's why a lot of people hate him, and proving he's a cheat has made him even more angry. Like I said though, if I see him negbomb you I can probably get you like +20k
deletedabout 14 years
Wendys negbombs are good for up to -10k
deletedabout 14 years
Warning: You may get a Wendys negbomb. I'll have a couple people plus you later just in case though.
about 14 years
if you know Snowday's alts, plz reply me fast. Ill +k you for any clue.
about 14 years
all the dudes i added are good players, or nice dudes that deserve to be on the list. not a hobby, just adding after a nice game ;) cya
about 14 years
btw, I can receive the messages, just not send them back.
about 14 years
Except Unf4z3d.
about 14 years
Everyone is in love with me!
about 14 years
Yeah - you'll have to send a new request for that, you know. :P
about 14 years
Yeah - that's the thing. I know most of the people on this site are immature enough to make the joke just because of my age alone. At the same time - something about faking my age also seems creepier. If I say I am young, it's like I am hiding that I am actually older - so I prefer not to create the wrong image by being untruthful about it. Catch-22 kind of.
about 14 years
Don't make me post on your wall too, kiddo. =p
about 14 years
Don't +K her for that! Hotdogs are cool! D=
deletedabout 14 years
lol thank you. I do what I can.
about 14 years
Consider this my approval for knowing how spectacular Dr. Seuss is.
about 14 years
where did you go o.o
deletedabout 14 years
Nah, it's not that. He's just desperately asking anyone he can to neg me but it's not going so well. I've gained 104 karma in two days. Thanks a lot though, and I'll return when I can.
about 14 years
hey babycakes ;D + k btw :* also FRIENDZIEZ ♥